Feeding Horses that are Hard Keepers
Much like teenage boys, some horses seem to be able to devour every bit of feed in sight, and still not gain weight. Unlike the teenage boys, however, and unfortunately for the owners of these hard keepers, this generally isn’t just a stage that the horse is going through. So, what is the best way to feed a horse to increase weight gain to the desired level, and then maintain it there? First, start by taking a Body Condition Score and determining the current weight of the horse, and tracking those two elements over time, so you can know for...
Horse Feed With High Fat Content – The Evolving Role of Fat: The Omega-6 and Omega-3 Ratio
The use of fat in the equine diet has a long history. A very old book, Horse Secrets by A.S. Alexander, published in 1913, points out that horse traders knew back then that adding fat to the diet was beneficial for gaining weight and improving hair coat. They may not have known why it worked, but they knew that it worked! Corn oil was an early oil source as it was available and palatable. Flax seed, boiled to both soften the husk and to eliminate anti-nutritional factors, was also used to provide both fat and protein. The use of vegetable...
Using Nutrition to Manage Horses with Gastric Ulcers
A horse owner recently contacted us about changing her horse’s diet. She stated that they are ¾ of the way through show season and he is just “off his game”. It seems that the horse was showing a lack of appetite and not finishing his grain. In addition, his disposition became rather grumpy and his performance level was suffering. In addition, a few times he had shown signs of mild colic over the past two months. We suggested the owner contact her veterinarian, as it sounded like the horse may have an ulcer. The percentage of horses with ulcers continues...
Making the Switch: Chick Feed to Layer Ration
It’s always a big event when your chickens start to lay! You and your birds put so much hard work and dedication into that moment, and the feed you give your birds is an important part of that first egg, too. As your birds mature from fuzzy chicks into fully feathered adults, their nutritional needs change. The chick starter/grower they were eating now needs to be replaced with layer ration. How can you support this transition and help them live their best lives as laying hens? As your chicks become young adults, their dietary needs change. Why do I need...
River and Lake Safety
Summer will be fast approaching and as the temperature warms many of us will be headed out to lakes and rivers to hike or just cool off and enjoy the summer weather. This is also a chance to spend some quality time and have fun with the family dog. While this can be an enjoyable way to spend the day, there are some safety measures that should be followed. Go Slowly: Introduce dogs to the water slowly. Let them go in at their own pace. The old “throw them in”, method does not work and will only serve to make...