Please call the store for pricing and availability. If you don't see a product you're looking for, let us know. This catalog represents only some of the inventory that we carry in store.



Please call the store for pricing and availability. If you don't see a product you're looking for, let us know. This catalog represents only some of the inventory that we carry in store.

This product will kill or control many Broadleaf Weeds in addition to many other noxious plants susceptible to 2, 4-D.

For Control Of Many Broadleaf Weeds In Lawns, Ponds, Drainage Ditchbanks, Pastures and Rangelands. Alder, American Lotus, Arrowhead, Artichoke, Aster, Austrian Fieldcress, Beggartick, Biden, Bindweed, Bitterweeds, Bitter Winter Cress, Blessed Thistle, Blue Lettuce, Boxelder, Broomweed, Buckhorn, Bull Thistle, Bulrush, Burdock Dandelion, Dock, Dogbane, Duckweed, Elderberry, Fleabane (Daisy), Flixweed, Frenchweed, Galinsoga, Goatsbeard, Goldenrod, Ground Ivy and many others listed on label.

Works better with Hi-Yield® Spreader Sticker.
Read more about Hi-Yield® Spreader Sticker .

Always Read and Follow Label Directions.

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